
Graduate Profile

The Notre Dame School graduate is a college-bound woman who demonstrates intellectual curiosity and the self-confidence necessary to face academic, as well as individual challenges. She develops an ever greater awareness of God’s unconditional love in her life and of the strength of community and connectedness to others. The Notre Dame School graduate follows in the traditions of Anne de Xainctonge and the Sisters of St. Ursula by valuing prayer, conversatio, magis, and active engagement with others in her life. She appreciates the beauty of diversity and champions the marginalized.

The Notre Dame School graduate demonstrates experience and growth in the following:

  • Demonstrates intellectual curiosity, creativity, critical thinking, and dedication to life-long learning.
  • Has the courage and confidence to express her ideas, accomplish her goals, and attempt the unknown while maintaining an unwavering belief in herself.
  • Is capable and flexible; able to deal with fast-paced change and the challenge of today’s world.
Faith & Values
  • Witnesses Gospel values and lives the magis through word and deed.
  • Understands the importance of a personal relationship with God through prayer and service.
  • Expresses gratitude and approaches life in a joyful, optimistic and productive manner.
Service & Leadership
  • Gives of herself to ease the burden of others, viewing service as a manifestation of faith.
  • Values her unique voice as an instrument for change, seeking always to promote peace and social justice.
  • Confidently assumes personal leadership and acts with integrity and compassion.
  • Seeks always to be inclusive and to advance the common good over personal gain.
  • Forms positive and nurturing relationships with peers and instructors, demonstrating the value of collaboration as a part of learning.
  • Promotes the value of education, especially for girls.
  • Finds beauty in individual differences.
  • Demonstrates open-mindedness.
  • Creates bonds across divisions of race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, and faith traditions.